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Product Filter & Search Bar

Product Filter & Search Bar is a Shopify app that lets you create and improve the store’s internal search. For stores with up to 100 products, the free plan is available.

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This Shopify app helps your store provide accurate results to customer queries. It converts misspelled or inaccurate searches to the right ones and also has a synonym suggestion feature, so even if the customer types the wrong name of the product you sell, they will see it or a relevant one in the results. Product Filter & Search Bar also has a real-time suggestion feature to autocomplete the query and show products while the customer is typing.

The app provides search analytics to help you optimize your catalog and merchandise your products. If there is an unsatisfied demand, you will spot it. The app is also capable of promoting selected products by pushing them in search results.

Search analytics in the Product Filter & Search Bar app

Product Filter & Search Bar introduces various filters that ease the search process. Such filters concern vendor, collection, color, size, tags, etc. The customer can use multiple filters at once. When responding to search input, the app analyzes not only collections and pages but also titles, SKUs, and product descriptions.

The app has four pricing plans. The free plan serves up to 100 products. It guarantees instant search widgets, search analytics, and daily catalog synchronization. The pro plan costs $5 monthly and suits stores with up to 3,000 products. It offers a search page with filters, extended search analytics, and unlimited promotions & synonyms. The pro plan costs $12 monthly and is designed for stores with up to 50,000 products. You will receive all features that are available in the app. The enterprise app, $49 monthly, is designed to work with up to millions of products at an unparalleled speed. You will also receive premium support.


Smart site search with real-time autocomplete and synonyms

Daily catalog synchronization

Multi-language support

Search analytics


Some merchants complain about slow support

Some merchants complain that the app put the filter on all collections instead of the selected one

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Product Filter & Search Bar

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