Advanced customization


Implementation of the fully customizable product configurator and sales journey. Showcasing the product in 3D on the product page.

The ChallEnge

Unique solution for a unique product

Get a new unique product with a unique sales flow to the online store and thus to the first customers. A unique product requires a unique solution. To make it sell, we started by defining and optimizing the sales journey within the limitations and capabilities of the platform.

After defining this alternative sales journey, we then implemented individual features and steps into Shopify. The client needed to define a two-step order process, where after the order is fulfilled, the customer is left with a piece of product which they take a picture of and upload back to their Shopify user profile. Only then the customized product order will start to be created.



  • Fully customizable product with many parameters defined by the customer
  • 3D product preview on the product page
  • Design and optimization of the sales journey
  • Implementation of an image upload form within the user profile


“Digismoothie is by far the best Shopify agency in our area. They are by far the most experienced Shopify experts in our country and really understand the platform. We set up everything together from payment gateways, carriers, templates to foreign language translations, UX recommendations, or speed optimizations. We believe we have a lot more work ahead of us together.”

Jiří Dužár


About the client

A Czech cycling brand that launched the world's first 3D printed cycling saddle made completely custom.



Let’s kickstart your Shopify business together

All our stores are beautifully designed (#eyecandy). More importantly, though, they’re optimized to sell. Customer love, guaranteed. Just don't tell the competition.

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