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Countdown Timer Ultimate

Countdown Timer Ultimate is a Shopify app that helps you add countdown timers to create urgency and encourage customers to buy your products. The free plan is available.

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Countdown Timer Ultimate helps you create a sense of urgency with the help of countdown timers. You can display the timer all over the store or on specific product pages. Different types of countdowns are available: you can use them to highlight sales promotions or products’ stock status

Countdown Timer Ultimate provides you with 5 timer styles and 7 design templates. You also can choose different variants of animations that support the countdown widget. When you choose the type of timer you want, you can add your messaging and customize colors and fonts. If you want to fully redesign the widget, you can contact the app’s support for assistance. 

Countdown Timer Ultimate also offers different methods of timer schedules. You can take advantage of daily or weekly scheduling, as well as set up a specific range for your widgets to remain active. 

The app offers two plans with a 3-day free trial for the paid one. The free plan lets you customize your timer, display it only on specific pages, and use selectable animations. It also comes with the app’s branding on the widget that you can’t remove. The paid plan costs $3.99 per month and grants you 5 different timer styles, fast support, and more customizations.


Design templates and presets to choose from

Multiple options for timer customization

Possibility to display timers only for certain products (based on product tags)


The free plan comes with the app’s branding on the widget

Some merchants claim the app’s UI is not very intuitive 

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Countdown Timer Ultimate

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